Why should I choose waxing instead of shaving?

You might say this is biased of me because we’re a waxing studio or that I’m a waxer so obviously she’s going to say WAX IT!

But honestly, I’ve been getting waxed before I went to esthetics school, worked at a waxing chain for 5+ years and before I ever thought about even owning my own studio.

I’ve always hated shaving. It had to be done too often then I liked and when it grew back it was so irritating and now being a mom of 3 growing boys I don’t have the time or privacy to shave every week. I spend one time a month to wax my body and I don’t have to do it for another month! I don’t know about you but I’m all about making my life a little easier for myself.

One thing I NEVER hear is “ugh this is time consuming!”or “it’s not worth it”

SO, What’s holding you back from just trying?


The Basics of Your First Brazilian Waxing Appointment